Saturday, December 31, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Calculate your Income Tax
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
MOU with Canara Bank for extending various Loan schemes
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
CORPORATE OFFICE (Banking Finance Division)
5" 'Floor .B haratS ar rchaBr havan.H ar ishC handraM athur Lane
Janpath New Delhi -I 10001
No:-I -9lBBF/StafLf oanll0-I I
All Circles' IFA
Sub: MOU Signed with Canara Bank for extending various Loan Schemes to BSNL
MOu with Canara Bank for extending various loans to BSNL employees has
beens ignedo n 8t l 'Dec2 011.T he generatle rmsa ndc ondi t ionsa reg i veni n Annexure- l l
of MOU andt he rateso f i r r teresltb r thev ar iousl oansa reg iven in annexure- l l lo f MOU
A copy of the agreementh as been placedo n oLl ri nt ranets i te wr ,vw. int ranet .bsnl .co. in
underh eadD i rector( Fin) ands ub-headB Lrdee&t FinanceC ont rol .
E,ncl:C opy of agreernent
The Asstt. General Manager,
House, 6 Bhaewan Dass Road,
CanaraB ank,R etailA ssetsH ub,S arojini
New Delhi -1 I 0001, for informat iopnl ease.
Copy to:
Saturday, December 17, 2011
BSNL rings in VRS, hoping to wipe out losses in three years
Expects the scheme to lead to Rs 2,400-cr savings annually
Seeks spectrum fee return
BSNL has asked the Government to return BWA (Broadband Wireless Access) spectrum fee of Rs 6,000 crore and compensation for operating in areas that are not commercially viable. It has also asked the Government to allow it to use its vast land-bank in prime areas (that it acquired from the pre-BSNL days) to start public-private partnerships earn get additional revenues. For now, it plans to start tapping the land it bought in the post-BSNL era.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Reduction in retirement age for all BSNL staff - FNTO opposes
11.12.2011: Copy of GS, FNTO letter addressed to Shri R.K. Upadhyay, CMD, BSNL New Delhi dated 10th December 2011from camp at Chennai.
Sub: Reduction in retirement age for all BSNL staff.
It is learnt that some quarters are negotiating with management for reduction in retirement age (60 to 58) in lieu of VRS. Reduction in retirement age is nothing but compulsory retirement for all staff at the age of 58 and the popular sentiment amongst the staff is against such proposal, management may be aware of.
Our union, NUBSNLW (FNTO) had already made it clear that we will not oppose VRS provided it is purely voluntary with a satisfactory package. If management imposes reduction in retirement age due to pressure from vested interest, our union will totally oppose it and organize prolonged trade union action. We hope management will not resort to reduction in retirement age to offset the loss.
With Regards,
Yours Sincerely,
General Secretary
ஓய்வு வயது 58 ஆக குறைப்பு – FNTO எதிர்ப்பு
BSNL-ன் VRS திட்டத்துக்கு அரசு ஒப்புதல்
Govt. gives nod to BSNL’s VRS plan
மத்தியச் செயற்குழுக் கூட்டம் - சென்னை
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
டிசம்பர்-15 Strike - FNTO பங்கேற்காது
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Letter to Hon'ble Minister for Communications
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
விஷிஸ்ட் சன்ச்சார் சேவா பதக் அவார்டு - 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
BSNL will turn around in less than 2 years
Mr Rakesh Kumar Upadhyay, Chairman and Managing Director, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd, has an uphill task of turning around the company. Apart from falling market share, mounting losses and controversies around its procurement, the telecom company is dealing with increasing cost of managing a large workforce of over 3 lakh people.
During a conversation with Business Line, Mr Upadhyay says that the window of opportunity for BSNL to turn around is less than two years, which can happen if a proposed voluntary retirement scheme takes off. Excerpts.
How do you plan to improve market share for BSNL?
BSNL is still a market leader in landline and broadband segments. In mobile segment only we rank fourth in terms of customer base. To translate our goodwill into market share, we are making efforts to give focused attention to improve our network availability, increased accessibility of products to the customers, launching innovative value added services, sustained operational focus on customer care, service delivery and service assurance, use of IT tools for monitoring performance.
What are the targets that you have set for yourself?
It has been decided to adopt two fold strategy: take new initiatives for increasing revenues and optimising CAPEX and OPEX through convergence. We are focusing to fortify stable revenue streams through concerted focus on broadband, NGN voice and enterprise business with major focus on Government projects. There is going to be focused monitoring on the performance of top 100 cities.
Why is BSNL lagging behind in terms of profit and market share?
BSNL is the market leader in landline and broadband business segments with 71.93 per cent and 63.49 per cent market shares respectively. BSNL also has prominent shares in mobile and leased circuit business segments. BSNL entered cellular business as a late entrant in October 2002 when private operators had already spread their arms for over 6 years. Our network expansion stumbled during the last few years for reasons beyond our control. However, we have initiated the process to increase our mobile capacity and hope to revive the growth process.
The entire telecom industry is presently witnessing pressures on its margins due to the price war in cellular segment and all operators are feeling the pinch of competition. BSNL is feeling a greater pinch due to increased manpower cost after the pay revision in public sector. In current situation even the operators with a lean workforce are witnessing shrinking margins. The products where we have dominant position are those where the costs of sustenance are high and margins are low.
We are making efforts to leverage technology for reducing cost and increasing productivity.
Do you think BSNL will become another Air India or do you think this company will turn around?
I do not see any link of Air India's experience with that of BSNL except for the fact that both are PSUs. They are operating in different industry segments and have dissimilar operational dynamics.
I am quite optimistic about BSNL improving its position. I also wish for improved fortunes of Air India.
What is the status of synergising operations with MTNL?
As a part of synergising the operations of BSNL and MTNL, we are taking various initiatives to ensure that both the companies are able to give a single window view to the end consumer and able to withstand the competition. These initiatives include procurement of international bandwidth by assessing the combined requirement of both BSNL and MTNL to take price advantage of large volume of bandwidth. Similar arrangement is also being explored for international voice traffic.
BSNL and MTNL are also working on a proposal wherein entire traffic of MTNL is carried by BSNL across the country at most competitive rates. Synergy about provisioning of leased line and MPLS VPN to the enterprises customers is being reviewed to resolve issues between the two companies.
Do you agree with the Government move to price 2G spectrum?
BSNL is a wholly owned Central Government PSU and it abides by the decisions of the Government in the matter. The spectrum obtained by BSNL is used for spreading telecommunication in far flung, remote, rural areas, hilly and difficult terrains which are non-remunerative areas, as a part of Government programme. Therefore, BSNL expects the Government to adequately compensate BSNL by giving the spectrum at subsidised rates instead of market rates.
Should BSNL be given more autonomy with less interference from political class?
We are governed by DPE guidelines and as part of it we have to sign MOU with Administrative Ministry or Department every year which specifies physical as well as financial targets to be pursued by us. Periodic review of targets vis-à-vis achievements are carried out by DOT. Hence their involvement in the business of the company cannot be ruled out.
There are suggestions of hiving of BSNL into various business, like what BT and AT&T did. What is your take?
This is a policy matter on which decision has to be taken by the Administrative Ministry or Department of the Government of India. However a dedicated business unit called New Business has been carved within BSNL to provide sustained focus on leveraging the huge infrastructure such as towers, land and buildings of BSNL. This unit is headed by an Executive Director.
The Government seems to be in a dilemma on giving BSNL the mandate to roll-out the National Optic Fibre. The fear being that BSNL will misuse its position and deny access to competition. Do you think BSNL should be given this project?
Yes, I feel that the project should be given to BSNL as BSNL is capable to execute this project in the shortest time at minimum cost. BSNL has countrywide OFC network of 6.8 lakh route km which is more than the optical fibre network of all other telecom service providers put together. The network is spread out in most of the 6500 blocks of the country and connected to 60,000 villages. The decision of awarding work to BSNL would be best utilisation of already existing fibre resources. The fear of misuse of its position by BSNL is unfounded as the operations of National Optical Fibre Network will be handled by an independent company under the Government of India which would provide non-discriminatory access to all.
How will you streamline procurement to make it faster and transparent?
To make the procurement process faster and more transparent, BSNL has recently started procuring through e-tendering method. Although our procurement is being done in accordance with a disclosed procurement policy, we implemented integrity pact whereby the complaints are settled expeditiously by IEMs (Independent External Monitors)
How will you deal with the issue of excess manpower?
At present, BSNL has nearly 2.76 lakh employees. Going by industry standards, BSNL does have a high staff-to-line ratio. We are considering downsizing the workforce by devising a suitable VRS scheme.
BSNL இன்னும் இரண்டு வருடங்களில் நல்ல நிலைக்குத் திரும்பும்
Monday, October 3, 2011
விருப்ப(மற்ற) ஓய்வு (VRS) – FNTO-வின் நிலை
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
19-09-2011 – Meeting with Director (HR), BSNL Board
Thursday, September 15, 2011
செப்டம்பர் 13ல் எழுச்சி மிகு ஆர்ப்பாட்டம்
ஊழல் அதிகாரிகளின் ஊதாரித்தனமான செலவுகளைக் குறைக்க வக்கற்ற நிர்வாகம், ஊழியர்களுக்குக் கிடைக்கின்ற சிறிய சலுகைகளையும், எழுத்து மூலம் உத்தரவாதம் அளிக்கப்பட்டு ஊழியர்கள் அனுபவித்து வரும் ஊழியர் நலத்திட்டங்களிலும், சிக்கன நடவடிக்கை என்று கைவைப்பதைக் கண்டித்து ஆர்ப்பரிக்க, அதன்மூலம் ஊழியர்களின் கொந்தளிப்பை நிர்வாகத்துக்கு உணர்த்திட, நமது தேசிய சங்கம் விடுத்த அறைகூவலை ஏற்று நாடெங்கும் செப்டம்பர் 13ம் நாள் எழுச்சி மிகு ஆர்ப்பாட்டங்கள் நடைபெற்றன.
ஊழியர்கள் பெருந்திரளாய்க் கலந்துகொண்டு நிர்வாகம் பிறப்பித்துள்ள அநியாய உத்தரவுக்குத் தங்கள் எதிர்ப்பைத் தெரியப் படுத்தியுள்ளனர். தமிழ் மாநில சங்கம் சென்னை தொலைபேசி மாநில சங்கங்கள் இணைந்து சென்னையில் அண்ணா சாலை தமிழ்மாநிலப் பொதுமேலாளர் அலுவலகம் மு
ன்பு நடத்திய இந்த ஆர்ப்பாட்டத்தில் NFTE தோழர்களும் பெருமளவில் கலந்து கொண்டர். இந்த ஆர்ப்பாட்டத்திற்கு சென்னை மாநில தலைவர் திரு இராதாகிருஷ்ணனும், தமிழ்மாநிலத் துணைத் தலைவர் திரு பார்த்தசாரதியும் கூட்டுத் தலைமை ஏற்றனர். சம்மேளன துணைச் செயலரும், சென்னை மாநிலச் செயலருமான திரு லிங்கமூர்த்தி, தமிழ்மாநிலச் செயலர் திரு சந்திரசேகரன், தமிழ்மாநிலப் பொருளாளர் திரு சாய்ராம், NFTE மாநிலச் செயலர் திரு பட்டாபி, BSNL DEU leader திரு குணசேகரன் ஆகியோர் கலந்து கொண்டு சிறப்புரை ஆற்றினர். சென்னை மாநில கௌரவத் தலைவர் திரு கிருஷ்ணமூர்த்தி நன்றி கூறினார்.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
MTNL-ல் 20-30% சம்பள வெட்டு – தலைமை அதிகாரி எச்சரிக்கை அப்படியென்றால் BSNL-ன் கதி என்ன ???
MTNL chairman warns pay cut around 20-30% ! For BSNL???
Thursday, Sep 08, 2011 at 0041 hrs IST
Mumbai: State-run telecom major Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) has taken a tough stand on the employees’ performance issue.
The company’s top management has warned employees that there may be a cut in pay in future if they fail to improve their performance as per the company’s expectations. “We have been warned by our chairman to work hard with a motivation to improve our performance, failing which we may face a pay cut of around 20-30 per cent in the future,” a senior official told The Indian Express.
MTNL chairman and managing director, Kuldip Singh, confirmed the move, but declined to comment on the percentage of pay cut. “The move is to bring out motivation among employees to work hard for the company and generate revenues. As far as pay cut is concerned, we don’t want to do until and unless there is compelling situation for us in the future,” Singh said.
In response to an issue raised by the MTNL Executive Association on managerial efforts to improve the financial position of the company, an emergency meeting was held on September 3, in New Delhi.
All senior officials of the company were present at the meeting and all issues related to the financial status of the company including employees’ performance were discussed.
The MTNL chief said at the meeting that all the stake holders should make some collective efforts to improve the financial position of the company which had worsened.
“There is still lot of potential in the company. Only thing required is thrust to rise to the occasion and commit to ourselves to turn around the company. We have been observing that the staff cost is almost equal to the total revenue of the company. Other expenses like licence fees, operation and administration expenses, revenue sharing charges, interest on loans etc are met through borrowings,” Singh said.
Keeping the poor financial health in mind, the company has also decided on a strategy to generate more revenue from 3G, Broadband Wireless Association (BWA) and outsourcing.
“The management is in the process to finalise the deals of franchises and outsourcing and expects around Rs 1,300 crore — Rs 500 crore through franchises of 3G, Rs 500 crore through franchises of BWA and Rs 300 crore through outsourcing of spare capacity,” Singh said.
BSNL also is in same boat , It had suffered a major loss of Rs.2,725 crore on revenue of Rs.31,738 crore in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011 compare to net loss of Rs.1,823 crore on revenue of Rs.32,046 crore in 2009-2010.
But BSNL is the leader in fixed line broadband thanks to its landline connections spread across the country. BSNL's broadband revenues stood at Rs 895.38 crore for the quarter ending June 2011. BSNL competes with Airtel (0.58 crore revenue), Aircel (Rs 20.87 crore), Sify (13.24 crore), Tata Internet Services (Rs 4.10 crore), Tulip Telecom (Rs 16.71 crore) and Vodafone Spacetel (Rs 5.53 crore).
It also has a huge salary bill which eats into 42% of its revenue. Every year, the salary bill rises by close to 10% and this year it is expected to pay Rs 15,000 crore as wages. On the other hand, the private operators pay just about 5-6% of their revenue as salary.
BSNL chairman & managing director RK Upadhayay had already directed all circle heads to go on a revenue maximisation drive, failing which fund allocations would be stand frozen. Each circle head was told to expand business on a war-footing and achieve a minimum 25% revenue growth this fiscal
In turn "Out of the 24 circles a few of the circles have already started showing good performance on gross revenue basis between the range of 14 per cent to 18 per cent. West Bengal is showing a growth of 18 per cent, Maharashtra is giving returns of 15.5 per cent, and Orissa and UP are showing growth of 14 per cent,"
"Still there are circles, including Uttaranchal, North East, Punjab and Haryana, which are still not performing well and they have to tighten up their belts”